Résumé :
Pp. 54-58 Les Juifs persécutés les Chrétiens et l’antisémitisme discuss the growth of antisemitism in France in the 1930s especially in Catholic circles due to the influx of Jewish immigrants and the activity of Action Française. Ch. 2 (p. 67-125) Chrétiens et Juifs dans la guerre (1939-1945) describes reactions to the Nazi occupation of France. Official protest by the Church authorities against persecution of the Jews was limited and prudent but many members of the Protestant and Catholic clergy tried to save Jews from deportation. also surveys the beginnings of Christian-Jewish dialogue after the war initiated by Jules Isaac and several Catholic personalities. Cases such as that of the refusal to return the Finaly brothers Jewish children hidden and converted during the occupation gravely affected this dialogue which was renewed by the Vatican’s Nostra aetate declaration..
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